Success of IFMSA-Poland Gdańsk Branch

StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2017/2018Success of IFMSA-Poland Gda...

Success of IFMSA-Poland Gdańsk Branch



The delegates from the Gdańsk Local Committee of IFMSA-Poland – International Federation of Medical Students Associations participated in the 39th Meeting of Delegates of the IFMSA-Poland in Olsztyn. The Gdańsk Local Committee was represented by Marcela Nowak, Magdalena Antoszewska, Katarzyna Częścik, Karolina Moskwińska, Mateusz Pacholski, Agata Pieńkowska, Klaudia Szymuś, Alicja Jańczewska, Aleksandra Cegła, Piotr Foszcz, Paula Szenejko, Krystian Królewicz, and Nicole Geryk. During the annual Ehrmann’s Gala, members of the IFMSA Gdańsk Branch were distinguished for their active work and engagement for the Organisation. Agnieszka Mrozińska M.D. was awarded in the category of Local Officer on Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS, Agata Pieńkowska was awarded in the category of Local Public Health Officer, as well as Alicja Jańczewska who was nominated in the category of the Best Local Officer on Research Exchanges. The next IFMSA-Poland Delegates Meeting is scheduled for April 2018 in Katowice. It is the largest meeting of medical students affiliated in 15 IFMSA-Poland Local Committees in Poland. The meetings give students opportunity to exchange experiences and ideas, as well as to summarise current activities on the local and national level.