Cooperation with Siemens Healthcare and GE Healthcare

StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2017/2018Cooperation with Siemens He...

Cooperation with Siemens Healthcare and GE Healthcare


The Medical University of Gdańsk signed a cooperation agreement with Siemens Healthcare and a letter of intent with GE Healthcare. The agreement with Siemens Healthcare involves research on laboratory and imaging diagnostics, as well as minimally invasive surgery. It was signed by the MUG’s Rector, prof. Marcin Gruchała and Vice-Rector for Clinical Affairs, prof. Edyta Szurowska and Siemens Healthcare Sp. z o. o. representatives Paweł Migdalski and Marek Witulski. The letter of intent was signed by prof. Marcin Gruchała and a representative of GE Healthcare, Perry Frederick. Signing the letter of intent opens many possibilities for cooperation, including the use of 4D technology in magnetic resonance imaging, computerised tomography and diagnostics, as well as improved patient safety. Cooperation between the MUG and GE Healthcare is another step towards implementing the University’s strategy of expanding research fundings and partner networks.