This year numerous events dedicated to iron biology have been organised worldwide. Following the 7th Meeting of the International BioIron Society (IBIS) at the University of California, in Los Angeles, the USA and the European Iron Club Meeting (EIC) in Münster, Germany, the 3rd meeting of the Polish Club of Iron Biology (Polski Klub Biologii Żelaza – PKBŻ) is scheduled for September 15-16, 2017, in Gdańsk. It is organised in cooperation with the Medical University of Gdańsk and the idea of it is to integrate Polish research groups dealing with the issues of iron biology in basic and clinical sciences, as well as scientific experience exchange. This year’s conference is dedicated to hepcidin. The lectures will be delivered by Martina Muckenthaler from the Heidelberg University in Germany, Hal Drakesmith from the Oxford University in the UK and Sophie Vaulont from the Institut Cochin in Paris, among others.
The conference will take place at the University of Gdańsk, the Faculty of Social Sciences, in auditorium C213-214.