Take a walk around our garden

StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2016/2017Take a walk around our garden

Take a walk around our garden



On the occasion of the 4th International Fascination of Plants Day 2017, throughout the month of May and around the world, numerous events will be organised. May 18th 2017 is the Fascination of Plants Day itself and on this day the MUG’s Medicinal Plants Garden invites all for an educational walks. The first walk will start at 10 am, the second at 12 pm.

The International Fascination of Plants Day 2017 is launched under the umbrella of the European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO) which is an independent academic organisation currently representing 72 institutional members bringing together more than 220 research institutes, departments and universities from 30 countries in Europe and beyond.

More information: www.plantday.com.pl.