Faculty of Pharmacy among the leaders of grant-seeking

StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2014/2015Faculty of Pharmacy among t...

Faculty of Pharmacy among the leaders of grant-seeking



The MUG Faculty of Pharmacy with Subfaculty of Laboratory Medicine has been ranked 1st among all Faculties of Pharmacy in Poland in terms of institutions that participated in 2013-2014 grant contests of the National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki) and their KEJN ranks (Komitet Ewaluacji Jednostek Naukowych – Research Institution Evaluation Committee at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education). Our Faculty earned 4.4 million PLN in grants, which amounts to 33522 PLN per researcher. A total of 74 research institutions were ranked. The purpose of the rannking is to point attention to the grant applicants’ activity.