Gabrielle Karpinsky, VI year medical student at the MUG English Division, won the prestigious Interstudent contest in the master degree category. Besides Gabrielle, other winners were Ghanshyambhai Khatri (India) student of the Jagiellonian University and Vitaliy Smygur (Ukraine), student of the Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin. Whereas the most popular foreign student in Poland was Hugues Gentillon (Haiti), who received 50000 votes online. The contest winners were announced and recognized at the Interstudent Gala in Lublin during the conference “Studenci zagraniczni w Polsce (Foreign students in Poland) 2015”.
During this year’s edition, the contest Commission had to make exceptionally difficult decisions because over 120 nominees met the initial criteria. The nominations were sent by 43 universities throughout Poland. Although the majority of the nominees were from Ukraine (45 students), Belarus (9) and India (7), they were a truly international group representing countries such as Albania, Brazil, Canada, China, Estonia, Germany, Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, United States and Uzbekistan.
According to the jurors, all nominees should be awarded for their above-average involvement and social sensitivity. These students organized charity events, actively participated in research, created films, organized festivals, helped their friends feel more at home in Poland. “They are fantastic young people who add so much to the campus life,” stated Waldemar Siwiński, Chairman of the Education Foundation “Perspektywy.”