The 2nd edition of the “Touch the Breast” (“Dotknij Piersi”) breast cancer prevention project organized by Student Scientific Club at the MUG Department of Oncologic Surgery and the Academic Oncology Society is catching a lot of attention. In order to spread information about breast cancer prevention and treatment to the most people possible, the students visited various locations last week. On April 9th 2014 they conducted a training session for teachers at the Elementary School #81 (Szkoła Podstawowa nr 81) in Gdańsk. On the following day they had a booth at the “Przychodnia Morena” outpatient clinic. Whereas on April 12th they raised awareness at the Madison shopping center.
Each of the above events captured great interest. The teachers at SP nr 81 gladly practiced breast self examination on special breast models, so that they can pass the knowledge and skills to their students. At the Morena clinic the students were warmly welcomed by the medical staff as well as the patients. At the Madison shopping center many shoppers took a moment to learn breast self-examination and ask questions. The breast models also caught the attention of male shoppers. Students were joined by bra fitting specialists who advised how to choose the proper bra size.
More events are coming up and there will be a chance to catch-up with the Student Scientific Club and learn breast examination.
At this time everyone is invited to participate in the “I Will Outrun Cancer! II” (“Prześcignę Raka! II”) running event scheduled for May 11th 2014.
More information at: facebook.com/events
And at the fanpage of the “Touch the Breast” project: facebook.com/DotknijPiersi