The “Touch the Breast” (“Dotknij Piersi”) project organized by Student Scientific Club at the MUG Department of Oncologic Surgery and the Academic Oncology Society won 1st place among the anti-cancer public service campaigns in 2013. A commission consisting of leading Polish oncologists recognized this initiative by the MUG students during the “Cancer. It’s treatable!” (“Rak to się leczy!”) poll. This is the second national award for the “Touch the Breast” project, which won 1st place in the “Samo-rządź” competition among the public projects by Polish medical students. The purpose of this project is to increase awareness of breast cancer among residents of Gdańsk. Many events are organized as part of the project, all of which aim to educate and train women in breast self-examination.
The 2nd edition of the “Touch the Breast” project is currently taking place, during which the following events took place: an exhibition about cancer survivors “The Beauty of Women” (“Piękno Kobiet”), presentations at high schools, booths at shopping centers and outpatient clinics. At this time everyone is invited to participate in the “I Will Outrun Cancer! II” (“Prześcignę Raka! II”) running event scheduled for May 11th 2014.
At the awards ceremony the students were joined by Paulina Cichon, MD and prof. Janusz Jaśkiewicz from the MUG Department of Oncologic Surgery. The Student Scientific Club is supervised by Kamil Drucis, MD PhD who was not able to be present at the awards ceremony due to work committments.