The 4th edition of the Gdańsk Doctor’s Run will take place on Saturday, April 26th at 13:00. The event is open to all doctors (and their families) and students of the Faculty of Medicine. The Run is organized twice a year with the goal to include those who want to compete against time as well as those who just want to have have some weekend fun while being active.
As in the previous editions, the event course will be located at the Ronald Reagan Seaside Park in Gdańsk (Park Nadmorski im. Ronalda Reagana) and the runners will be able to choose between two distances. For those who prefer shorter distances there will be a 5km course, whereas the main event will be the 10K run. The start and finish line will be located near the entrance D (Wejście D) to the park at Ulica Dąbrowszczaków. The course will lead through gravel paths and concrete walkways.
All runners, regardless of their finish time, will receive prizes. Whereas the fastest runners in each category will be awarded medals. You can register for the Gdańsk Doctor’s Run online at turniejelekarzy.vcard.pl