Wdzydze Kiszewskie, a town Ii the heart of Kaszuby region, was the location of the first-ever meeting of the Deans of medical faculties at Polish medical universities on November 14-15th 2013. At the invitation of prof. Maria Dudziak, Dean of MUG Faculty of Medicine, the followind Deans attended the meeting: prof. Leszek Domański (Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin), prof. Irina Kowalska (Medical University of Białystok), prof. Jan Zejda (Medical University of Silesia), dr hab. Katarzyna Pawlak-Osińska (Nicolaus Copernicus University Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz), prof. Marzenna Zielińska (Medical University of Łódź), prof. Ryszard Maciejewski together with prof. Krzysztofem Celiński (both from the Medical University of Lublin) and prof. Maciej Misiołek (Medical University of Silesia, Katowice).
The meeting was opened by prof. Janusz Moryś, who welcomed the guests and shared information about the situation facing medical universities in our country. The hottest topics of the conference were the reform of medical education and recruitment of students. The Deans began the important process of sharing experience and forming a consensus which they will share with the authorities of their respective universities. The meeting concluded with a decision to meet again in March 2014 and to continue annual meetings in November of upcoming years.