In order to increase awareness of migrants’ rights and obligations in Poland, a special infoline and information portal providing useful information and advice have been launched.
By calling 22 490 20 44 foreigners in Poland can obtain reliable information on their rights and obligations in Poland, in particular the conditions of residence and work in Poland. The phone operates from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Similar infolines also operate in Armenia (08 000 10 20), Belarus (+375 21 162 8888) and Ukraine (0 800 505 501 or 527), where already over 550 people have been consulted.
The website migrant.info.pl provides useful information regarding among others: entry to and residence in Poland as well as work and citizenship. The portal also contains many practical tips for everyday life in Poland, relating to the cost of living, education system and health care. The site is available in Armenian, English, French, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese. A Chinese version is soon to be launched.
In the frames of the project “Migrants’ rights in action” migrants who reside in Poland, but have found themselves in a difficult situation can receive immediate assistance. Migrants can obtain legal advice, information on the possibility to assert their rights, as well as assistance in mediation with the employer. In particularly difficult situations, migrants can also get emergency material assistance. The assistance provided is always tailored to individual needs. For more information, please contact the infoline in Poland.