MUG Professors join the Polish Academy of Sciences

StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2012/2013MUG Professors join the Pol...

MUG Professors join the Polish Academy of Sciences


Prof. Roman Kaliszan, head of the MUG Department of Biopharmacy and Pharmacodynamics, and prof. Janusz Limon, head of the Department of Biology and Genetics, were chosen by the General Assembly of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Polska Akademia Nauk, PAN) on May 23rd 2013 for membership. At the moment, three MUG professors are members of this prestigious society of scholars (along with prof. Stefan Angielski) and prof. Krzysztof Narkiewicz is a corresponding member. Whereas dr hab. Bartosz Karaszewski from the MUG Department of Neurology is a member and chairman of the Young Scholar Academy organized by the PAN among the exceptional scientists under 38 years of age.

prof. dr hab. n. farm. Roman Kaliszan
prof. dr hab. n. farm. Roman Kaliszan
Prof. dr hab. Janusz Limon
Prof. dr hab. Janusz Limon