The “I Will Outrun Cancer” (“Prześcignę Raka”) running event on April 20th 2013 will conclude the “Touch the Breasts” (“Dotknij Piersi”) breast cancer prevention project organized by the Student Scientific Club at the Department of Oncologic Surgery and the Academic Oncology Society. Running, just as a neoplasm, involves a challenge and a struggle. Sometimes that is not easy. But in order to reach the finish line, we must accept the challenge, “Outrun Cancer,” conquer the distance and reach the finish line healthy.
Runners can choose from the following events:The 1km run is open to anyone who wants a little bit of excercise. There is no need to sign-up, just go to the start line. To run in the 5km or 10km event, you need to sign-up and your running time will be oficially measured. You can sign-up online at online.datasport.pl or facebook.com/DotknijPiersi . The first 200 participants receive a “Dotknij Piersi” t-shirt.
The organizers will offer a chance to learn how to properly examine your breasts and to sign-up for a free mammography. In addition, there will be a chance to meet the Trefl Sopot basketball players and the Cheerleaders. Students from the Oncologic Surgery SSC invite to participate in online auctions. All money raised will fund the “I Will Outrun Cancer” event.