MUG clinical researcher receives the Jan Uphagen Award

StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2012/2013MUG clinical researcher rec...

MUG clinical researcher receives the Jan Uphagen Award


dr Miłosz Jaguszewski
dr Miłosz Jaguszewski

Dr Miłosz Jaguszewski, assistant at the Cardiology Department at MUG has won this year’s Jan Uphagen Award for young researchers in science. The official ceremony will take place on February 8th 2013 at the Dom Uphagena in Gdańsk.

This award was founded in 2003 as part of the Jan Heweliusz Award and until 2006 has been titled “Young Heweliusz Award”. Its purpose is to reward researchers from Gdańsk who are younger than 30 years old. The Uphagen Award has two categories: science and humanities. Its winners are chosen by a Board, whose members are representatives of the universities in the Tricity, the Polish Academy of Science, Gdańsk Scientific Society as well as the Gdańsk City Hall.