Funding for a MUG research project

StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2012/2013Funding for a MUG research ...

Funding for a MUG research project


The National Centre for Research and Development has offered funding for a MUG research project “Minitablets as a new formulation of oral medication – developing the conditions for their synthesis, coating, dosing and optimization of their physical properties based on their use”. This research will be conducted during 2012-2015 at the Department of Applied Pharmacy of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Subfaculty of Laboratory Medicine, under the supervision of prof. Małgorzata Sznitowska. The Centre’s funding amounts to 1 456 780 zł and is offered withing the 1st edition of the Applied Research Program, whose aim is to support research projects focused on practical application of their results.

The Applied Research Program supports both approaches to applied research: projects focused on finding practical applications for existing research results (eg. testing an existing material’s properties for their use in specific products or technologies – Approach A) or finding new solutions for pre-determined practical needs (eg. modifying a specific material used in a specific product in order to modify its parameters – Approach B).