Honorary doctorate for Prof. Wajda

StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2012/2013Honorary doctorate for Prof...

Honorary doctorate for Prof. Wajda


Prof. Zdzisław Wajda
Prof. Zdzisław Wajda

Prof. Zdzisław Wajda, the pioneer of surgical endoscopy and minimally invasive techniques in Poland, received a MUG honoris causa doctorate. The MUG Senate had a special meeting on December 5th, 2012 at the Auditorium Primum im. Olgierda Narkiewicza to present this doctorate. Since 1965, the MUG has awarded a honoris causa doctorate to 42 distinguished researchers.

ZDZISŁAW MARIAN WAJDA received his MD diploma in 1952 from the Medical University of Gdańsk. In 1957, he completed the first and in 1960, the second step of his surgical specialty. In 1964, he earned a PhD in medicine for his research titled “The Influence of the Ligation of the Hepatic Artery Proper in an Experimental Cirrhosis – an Experimental Analysis”. In 1971, he became an Associate Professor for research titled “Prevention and Treatment of the Leakage of the Duodenal Stump After Gastrectomy”. In 1978 he was awarded the title of Adjunct Professor and in 1989, Full Professor. In the years 1984-87 he served as Vice-Rector for Clinical Affairs and in 1993 he was elected Rector of MUG for two consecutive terms. For many years he served as the Regional Consultant for Surgery. Prof. Wajda is a member of many international scientific associations as well as an honorary member of the Polish Surgical Society. He is regarded as a research expert in pancreatic disease treatment. He is the author of 520 scientific papers, promoter of 10 PhD dissertations, and has supervised 3 Associate Professorships and trained 45 specialists in surgery. Prof. Zdzisław Wajda, the pioneer of surgical endoscopy and minimally invasive techniques in Poland.
