Besides their notes and textbooks, MUG students now have a new tool: films. The employees of the MUG Department of Preventive Medicine and Education together with a Gdańsk filmmaker Paweł Sudara completed a set of five educational films. Four of them show the details of physical examination, while the fifth is about hand disinfection and protection from infections. The idea to make the films came directly from MUG medical students, who during their 3rd year of studies asked for a consistent example of physical examination.
- At first we demonstrated physical examination on a volunteer during a lecture. That was not a good solution, so we decided to record physical examination on film – remembers prof. Tomasz Zdrojewski (head of the Department of Preventive Medicine and Didactics). – We worked quickly, filmed a lot of material and editing was a challenge – remarks filmmaker Paweł Sudara. – Thankfully a team of doctors collaborated on this project and they were very helpful.
The film authors confronted the abundant literature about physical examination with the long clinical experience of prof. Ewa Jassem (pulmonology), prof. Grzegorz Opolski (cardiology), prof. Marian Smoczyński (gastroenterology) and prof. Bogdan Wyrzykowski (internal medicine), who agreed to consult the screenplays of particular films.
- We had a challenging task of adjusting the classic, proven physical examination formats and techniques to the progress taking place in medicine (e.g. in ultrasound or echocardiography) and the current needs of doctors – emphasizes prof. Zdrojewski. Although the films have been available for a relatively short time, the Department’s staff received positive feedback from students as well as requests to use the films during classes at other medical universities in Poland.
You can see the films at the website of the Department of Preventive Medicine and Education www.structure.mug.edu.pl/357t.